Team Publications

Recreation & Leisure

Hutchinson, S., Woodford, K., Ellis, A., Hamilton-Hinch, B., Stilwell, C., & Manuel, C. (2022). Exploring the role of peer-assisted learning for professional preparation in recreation. Leisure/Loisir, 46(1), 23-48.

Burns, R., Gallant, K. A., Litwiller, F., White, C., & Hamilton-Hinch, B. (2020). The go-along interview: a valuable tool for leisure research. Leisure Sciences, 42(1), 51-68.

White, C., Hutchinson, S., Gallant, K., & Hamilton-Hinch, B. (2020), Beyond the barriers: First-voice perspectives on facilitators of leisure participation. Canadian Journal of Canadian Mental Health, 39(1), 1-13.

Gallant, K., Litwiller, F., Burns, R., White, C., Hamilton-Hinch, B., & Lauckner, H. (2019). Reaching out, welcoming in: First voice perspectives on the characteristics of welcoming recreation settings and programs. Leisure/Loisir, 43(4), 499-522.

Gallant, K., Hutchinson, S., White, C., Hamilton-Hinch, B, Litwiller, F., Lauckner, H., & Burns, R. (2020). Reaching out to welcome in: guidelines for socially inclusive recreation settings and programs for people with mental health challenges. Leisure/Loisir, 44(3), 327-351

Litwiller, F., White, C., Hamilton-Hinch, B., & Gilbert, R. (2018). The Impacts of Recreation Programs on the Mental Health of Postsecondary Students in North America: An Integrative Review. Leisure Sciences, 44(1), 96-120.

Gallant, K., Hamilton-Hinch, B., White, C., Litwiller, F., & Lauckner, H. (2017). “Removing the thorns:” the role of the arts in recovery for people with mental health challenges. Arts and Health, 11(1), 1-14.

Litwiller, F., White, C., Gallant, K., Hutchinson, S., & Hamilton-Hinch, B. (2016). Recreation for mental health recovery. Leisure/loisir, 40(3), 345-365.